Areas Of Expetise

General Litigation

We have developed extensive expertise in litigating and settling matters in the High Court, the Magistrate’s Court, and Regional Court.  We have been at forefront of all changes to the respective court rules, practice notes relating to the conduct of litigation, and have an in-depth knowledge of Rule 37 (8) case management procedure currently utilized in the Western Cape High Court, which will be rolled out to the rest of South Africa.  Our attorneys are willing and able to institute Action or Motion Proceedings as well as defend proceedings in the High Court, Magistrate’s Court and Regional Court as well as in   Arbitration and Mediation matters. Since December 2013 we have been placed on the panel of Transnet and we represent them in litigation in the High Court,   Magistrate’s Courts, and Regional Courts.

We are also on the panel of the Ernst & Young Consortium in the Western Cape and Eastern Cape attending to litigation on their behalf as part of a special project where they render services to the Road Accident Fund (RAF) in resolving the backlog of the RAF’s claims.

We are on the panel of Medscheme in the Western Cape attending to litigation on their behalf as part of a special project where they render services to the Road Accident Fund in resolving the backlog of the RAF’s claims.


We attend to general conveyancing for numerous clients and are on the panel of all major financial institutions.

Personal Injury and Insurance Law

The Professional Staff at the firm has been involved with litigation on behalf of the Road Accident Fund since 1999 with the firm acting for and on behalf of the Road Accident Fund (RAF) in defending actions instituted against it in the High Court, Arbitration Proceedings as well as both the Magistrate’s Court and Regional Court.  The firm has expertise in dealing with issues of statutory compliance and by nature of the work, general insurance law. We have developed extensive experience in evaluating delictual issues and dealing with the merits of matters.  A great deal of this litigation has focused on evaluating Administrative decisions by the Road Accident Fund as well as defending such decisions before the Appeal Tribunal of the Health Professions Council of South Africa.  Our particular specialty lies in the assessment of quantum, investigating damages suffered, and the effective quantification of damages arising from personal injury claims. Because of our work, we have developed a network of medical experts who we can call upon to assist in the evaluation of quantum claims.

The firm has also recently been involved in a matter that was heard in the Constitutional Court which dealt with issues pertaining to the rights of children, delictual compensation, and social security law in South Africa.

Construction and Consumer Law

This firm has been on the supplier database of the National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) since October 2013 and in that time has been involved in litigation in the Western Cape High Court on behalf of the NHBRC. We are currently involved in disputes involving Administrative decisions made by the NHBRC and the defense of same in the High Court.

We have an excellent working knowledge of the Housing Consumer’s Protection Measures Act 95 of 1998 (as amended) Act and Regulations thereto as well as the applicability thereof to home builders and consumers affected by the Housing Consumer’s Protection Measures Act. Our firm is on the supplier database of the National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC).